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Tuesday November 7th, 2018 is the date for midterm elections across the country, and the folks at National Voter Registration Day have put together information to help with voting questions. Not sure where candidates stand?  Need to find out...
  November is NANOWRIMO (National Novel Writing Month).     Sharpen your pencils and charge up those laptops!  The Columbia College Chicago Library has some great books to help get you into gear and get you on your way....
This Friday is the CCC Library Gaming Society’s Annual Horror Trivia Night, this year produced  in conjunction with our Beautiful Monstrosities:  From She-Beasts to Final Girls Focus Month.    Join us Friday for snacks, trivia, and prizes! 5pm-7pm, Columbia College...
It is widely understood that New Orleans is a cultural melting pot, where a variety of musical traditions (Negro spirituals, gospel, folk music, the blues, ragtime, jazz, vaudeville, opera, military marching bands, and more) came together to lay the...
Are you interested in finding that perfect job, internship, or career in the creative professions? The Columbia Library offers an impressive collection of career resources in the arts and media fields. We have the latest books, periodicals, and online...