Summertime Book to Art Club

Book covers around the world: The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret ...


As the last bit of our FUTURE TENSE:  IMAGINED WORLDS FROM THE MARGINS programming,  this summer, we will be focusing on Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, an important novel that has spawned many adaptations, art in other mediums, and important discussions about feminism, bodily autonomy,  and dystopian America.  While not exactly a beach or hammock read, Atwood’s work offers fertile ground for creative interpretation and we hope you join us for reading, artmaking, and virtual discussion.

How to Participate:

1. Read the book.  There are many inexpensive physical copies available via online retailers (used & new).  It is also available for download as a free e-book. You can also heck out some of the great cinematic adaptations available, including the most recent, Hulu network’s The Handmaid’s Tale. 

2.  In July, we’ll be creating alternative book covers and movie posters for The Handmaid’s Tale, which will be featured in a virtual exhibit in the Fall.   Translate your vision of the story into whatever medium strikes your fancy–collage, paint, photography, printmaking, illustration, & more…

3.  Join us all along in our Book to Art Discussion Board, where we will be hosting virtual discussions of the book’s themes, the adaptations, and its place in the feminist canon, as well as in dystopian literature, and more.  Also, keep an eye on our social media, where we will be collecting resources and other points of interest related to the book and its adaptations.

All Book to Art Club activities are open to the Columbia College Chicago community and the greater public.