Columbia College Chicago named one of College Magazine’ s Ten Best Colleges for Video Game Design



“Have you ever found a treasure chest in a Legend of Zelda dungeon and pulled out one awesome prize after another? Finding the Columbia College game-related majors kind of feels like that. Game design, game art, programming, whatever your heart desires in the realm of a game design education, Columbia College Chicago grants it. This college ensures you graduate fully prepared to create with the latest industry technologies. Students use professional-grade software tools in the classroom. “Our faculty—both full and part-time—are active professional game creators or active in a directly related field,” Associate Dean of the School of Media Arts Tom Dowd said. “Our accreditation mandates that our faculty pass scrutiny for relevancy and currency in their discipline area before they can teach our classes.” As you approach graduation, you’ll participate in the Game Studio Capstone. This senior project connects you with a team to produce a video game in industry-like conditions. “Columbia brings in local professionals periodically to talk about their company or new projects and to network with our students,” Dowd said. If you make it out to San Francisco for the Game Developers Conference, you’ll spot classmates there, too. Students showcase their work to industry professionals there at booth Columbia College sponsors.”

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