B I K E !

Now that summer has arrived, you may have time for some much-needed recreation. Or you may need a cheap and green way to get to your classes or summer job.

The perfect solution?  Cycling!  Here are some quick helpful sites for information about biking in Chicago.

Top 10 Rides in the World (includes Chicago!) from DIVA Magazine

City of Chicago bike map

Bikes and Transit in Chicago

Bike Share in Chicago: Divvy

Choosing a Bicycle

All About Helmets

And if you want to get involved on yet another level, check out RIDE ILLINOIS, a nonprofit organization working for bike friendly roads, favorable legislation, and education on sharing roads safely.

Have fun, wear your helmet, and may you always have a tail wind!


Image: “The 1960s-1967 fashion for bike riders” by Mo is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0