Cell phones (and you!) are welcome in the library

You may have noticed recently that the “No cell phones in the Library” signs have been removed (apologies to anyone who misses the mohawked-suit guy). This isn’t an attempt to turn the Library into a giant phone booth, but rather an acknowledgment that we’re all adults and know when to use our “inside voices.” This applies to face-to-face conversations and sound that may spill over from your headphones, too.

All we ask is that you are courteous and respect those around you…take long or loud conversations out into the stairwell or outside, use a moderate volume for your headphones, keep those ringers on low or vibrate and try to be aware, especially if you’re near some quiet study areas, of your surroundings and those around you. And tell a library staff member if things have gotten too loud–we’ll do our best to promote an environment that is acceptable for everyone (we’ll even shush ourselves if necessary!).

FYI, certain areas of the Library are designated (most of the time) as quiet study areas. They include the east side of the 3rd floor and the east side of the 5th floor.

For better or for worse, the Library of the 21st century is no longer defined by its pervading silence or shushing librarians. Instead, it’s a vital, dynamic, sometimes-a-little-noisy place filled with the energy of learning and community. Come be a part of it!