Each year, Columbia College Chicago celebrates Constitution Day on September 17th. It is a day to learn about the Constitution, its history and to understand how it has and continues to shape the direction of our country. This year, the Constitution Day event will be held on ZOOM, and the focus is on the importance of the student vote. The Library is collaborating with Columbia Votes to encourage our students to fully participate during this important election year.
Columbia Votes is a college-wide initiative launched by Sharon Bloyd-Peshkin, Associate Professor in the Communication Department. Voter Registration Geniuses Anna Busalacchi and Ally Longo (students working directly with Columbia Votes) will be presenting. Our goal for this event is to encourage all students to vote. This program is designed to help with the voting process, including registration, voting by mail, where/when to vote, etc. We recognize the importance of student voices to the future of democracy. Every vote counts.
Formal presentations will begin at 10am and 10:30am, with time for Q&A during each session. Attendees will be able to join and exit as schedules permit. This program is open to the Columbia College Chicago community. #VOTE
ZOOM: https://colum.zoom.us/s/98439216534
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