Book to Art | Fall 2019



In celebration of our LETHAL LADIES:  THE WOMEN OF TRUE CRIME focus, we are venturing into non-fiction territory with Corinne May Botz’s The Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death, whose subject matter explores the life and work of master criminal investigator Frances Glessner Lee and her amazing crime dollhouses. We will be meeting to discuss the book, Glessner Lee’s work in general,  her legacy on other art forms, AND to  make paper dioramas of our own favorite crime scenes.


Book to Art Club Meeting

Wednesday ,October 9th


Library, 1st Floor 

How to Participate:



Check out a copy of The Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death at the Library (copies are also available via I-Share Interlibrary Loan).


Watch this space and Library social media for more resources and further reading on Glessner Lee’s  life and work.


Join us on October 9th, where we’ll have discussion and diorama making supplies aplenty for you design your own paper crime scenes (both real or imagined, benign or grisly–your choice!)