Photography Department Student Exhibition and Reception

Yongshi Xiao

Image: Yongshi Xiao

Come and celebrate “The Americans Now”… the Photography Department’s student exhibition currently on display at the Library on the second floor.  The works are by students from the Photo History II classes (Fall 2017 and Spring 2018).  There will be an exhibit reception in the Library on Friday, October 12 from 4-6pm on the second floor (west side) as part of Columbia Weekend.

Images featured are inspired by Robert Frank’s black and white photographs reflected in his vision of America in the 1950’s, as an outsider, in the landmark book, “The Americans”.

Students were challenged to visualize “The Americans Now” – to photograph and write about their perception of what America and Americans look like in the twenty-first century.   View a fascinating and powerful homage to a classic work in the history of photography.


Image: Cynthia Silva