Take a class with Lynda this summer!

Looking for something to do this Summer?
Why not brush up on some of your computer skills by taking a class or two with Lynda at Lynda.com?   
Lynda.Com offers over 900 online training courses that cover topics such as photography, business software, web development, graphic design, editing video, sound and much more!  All these videos are available to Columbia College students, staff and faculty free of charge.
Some of the new courses offered at Lynda.com include:
Outlook Web App (OWA) 2010 Essential Training
Learn how to access your Microsoft Exchange account online using Outlook Web App (OWA). In this course, author Gini Courter takes you on a tour of OWA, and shows how to send, receive, and manage your email on the web. Learn the ins and outs of tagging and organizing your email and discover how to create appointments, request meetings, and view multiple calendars. Plus, find out how to add, group, and search for contacts and use the task feature to manage your to-do list effectively.  Duration 3h 27m
InDesign Secrets
In this series, David Blatner and Anne-Marie Concepción, co-hosts of the web’s top resource for InDesign tips and tricks, InDesignSecrets.com, share some hidden and sometimes surprising workflow tips that will make working in InDesign more efficient and more fun. The course covers built-in timesaving features such as Quick Apply and auto-expanding text, but also little-known tricks, such as using the eyedropper to copy and paste character and paragraph text attributes and making accurate selections by selecting through or even into objects.  Duration 8h 37m
Enhancing a Travel Photo with Photoshop and Lightroom
Learn how to develop a travel photo into a wonderful memory of your trip in this short start-to-finish project from author Jan Kabili. Jan shows you how to combine the power of Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom to achieve the best possible results from your corrections. The course covers adjusting tone and color, correcting hue/saturation and lightness, precisely targeting adjustments with masks, and removing distracting objects with the Content-Aware toolset in Photoshop.  Duration: 54m 
Use your Columbia Login to view all of the courses available at:  Lynda.com