Banned Books Week 30th Anniversary begins Sunday, 9/30/12

Sunday, September 30, 2012 marks the thirtieth anniversary of Banned Books Week!

Sponsored by the American Library Association’s Office of Intellectual Freedom, the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression, and many other organizations, Banned Books Week  is an annual celebration of the freedom to read and of individual expression.  It is also an opportunity to bring attention to the challenges to and restriction attempts of materials in libraries and bookstores across the nation. 

Members of the book community, including librarians, teachers, booksellers, comic book artists and journalists come together each year to advocate against censorship and the free expression of ideas. This year, renowned journalist Bill Moyers was named honorary co-chair of Banned Books Week and has produced a video in honor of its 30th anniversary and importance.  

[vimeo w=500&h=281] Bill Moyers on Banned Books Week from on Vimeo.

Be sure to stop the Library and see our Banned Book Week display near the entrance.  Banned Books Week buttons and bookmarks will be available in the Library beginning Monday October 1 at Noon.  Quantities are limited, so be sure to come early! For more information on Banned Books week, go here. 

Celebrate your freedom to read!