Kindle Lending Library

What do The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, The Habits of Highly Effective People and Fast Food Nation have in common?  They are all available for you to borrow for free at the Kindle Owner’s Lending Library!
What you need
To borrow ebooks from the Kindle Owner’s Lending Library you need to own some type of Kindle device and you must be an eligible Prime member (paid Amazon Prime, paid Amazon Student).  Kindle owners can now borrow ebooks from the Lending Library and place them directly onto their registered Kindle Device.

Reading your eBook

The borrowed eBook must be read on a Kindle device – you will not be able to read the ebook on your iPad, iPhone, Android, etc.   There are no “due dates” for your borrowed ebook – you are allowed to keep the ebook as long as you wish.  However, you can only borrow one book at a time and only borrow one free book per month. 

Bookmarks, notes and highlights are all available through the Lending Library and will be saved to your account.  if you ever borrow or puchase the ebook in the future all of the notes and highlights will be available for you.

For more information about the Kindle Lending Library, click here.