Edible Books winners!

On April 3rd, the Center for Book and Paper Arts and the Library held the 13th Annual Edible Books and Tea. The event, which was open to the public, was part of the International Edible Book Festival held annually around the world on or around April 1st. Participants were asked to make food that integrated text, drew literary inspiration, or looked like a book.

As always, the event drew a large crowd. The creative minds created unique and tasty representations of their favorite books.

The winners are:

Best in Show:
Title: #4 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Artist: Loni Diep
Book author: Jules Verne
Ingredients: Seafood, rice, and seaweed

Best Presentation
Title: #9 Mr Popper’s Penguins
Artist: Lillian Fahrner
Book authors: Richard and Florence Atwater
Ingredients: Eggs, black olives, carrots, and sugar cubes

Best Visual Pun
Title: #17 Toast World
Artist: Claire Sammons, Grad Student in Book and Paper Arts
Book author: Daniel Clowes
Ingredients: Toast with a cinnamon stencil

Most Book-like
Title: #13 BB the Bada$$ Bookbinder
Artists: Greta Bach, Jessica Wagner, and Jamie Weaver, Grad Students in Book and Paper Arts
Book author: Josep Cambras
Ingredients: Funfetti cake mix, gum paste, cream cheese icing, and food coloring

Most Likely to be Devoured
Title: #6 Popeye’s Source of Strength
Artists: K.V. & Jan Chindlund
Comic Strip: Elzie Crisler Segar
Ingredients: Spinach, feta cheese, onions, eggs, and phyllo