Heather McElhatton Book Signing @ the Library – 9/21

Heather McElhatton

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Columbia College Chicago Library
624 S. Michigan Ave.
3rd Floor North

Sponsored by Follett’s Bookstore and HarperCollins

Join us as Heather McElhatton reads from her latest book, A Million Little Mistakes: Choose Your Own Adventure Book for Adults. Ms. McElhatton is an independent producer for Public Radio International and her commentaries and stories have been heard nationally on This American Life, Marketplace, Weekend America, Sound Money and The Savvy Traveler. Her previous work includes: Pretty Little Mistakes, Jennifer Johnson is Sick of Being Single and a several short stories including “Red Shoes” which was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2001. She also produced the radio literary series, Talking Volumes.