Cultural Studies Colloquium Series

Photo: Carmelo Esterrich

2009-2010 Series:
Thursday, October 1, 2009
4:00 pm

3rd Floor of the Library
624 S. Michigan Ave.

Dr. Paul Booth
Assistant Professor of New Media and Technology, College of Communication, DePaul University

“Participatory Culture: Beyond the Economic Binary”

Paul Booth is an Assistant Professor of New Media and Technology at DePaul University in Chicago. He writes about the implications of the intersection of traditional and interactive media. His research interests also include participatory audiences, fans, popular culture, science fiction, television, narrative, games, technology, and meditation. He can be reached.

Pre-Reading Article
Booth, Paul, “Rereading Fandom: MySpace Character Personas and Narrative Identification.” Critical Studies in Media Communication, Dec 2008, Vol 25 Issue 5, p514-536

See the WEBSITE for more information on this series.