7th Annual Library Halloween Costume Cavalcade

View more Halloween costume pix HERE

The tradition of inviting library staffers to commune with their inner child around the Halloween celebration was introduced to the Library in 2001 by then director, Jo Cates. Jo took the high road and came dressed as the Queen. Following her lead were revelers dressed as a clown, a small child and even a Valkyrie (you know, she’s the original “Fat Lady who sings”). Each year since then, a few brave, fun souls have continued to make it a day full of laughs and cries for everyone.

The Costumed Ones carry out their regular duties, so depending on what you were in need of this Halloween, you may have gotten your service from a zombie, a pirate, a biker chick, a slide show, Doris Day, a cave woman or someone’s dad.

Even out of costume, we’re a pretty cool bunch. Almost anytime is a good time to connect up with us via chat, e-mail, or phone…and you never know what fun you will encounter if you just come by!

Thanks to Librarian Shirley Bennett for contributing this news story!