Coping with the Election

Coping with the Election

The day we’ve all been waiting for is finally here: Election Day. This is an extremely tense and stressful time. It’s important to make sure that you take care of yourself especially today. Here are some self-care tips to get you through today:  If you think this would help you, turn off your phone. Put it down. Just for a little bit or even the whole day. Or maybe even just turn off your notifications and stay off social media.  

  • Go for a walk. Take a break from being cooped inside your space and get some fresh air to clear your mind. Completely separate yourself from the online world. Don’t forget your mask! 
  • Journal. This always helps me to clear my thoughts out of my head so that they’re not taking up that space. 
  • Cook or bake something fun! Little distractions to keep occupied always help to get the mind off of things.  

As you can see, my form of coping with stress is healthy distractions. This may or may not work for everyone, so find what’s going to work best for you. Remember to be gentle with yourself.  

Columbia is here for you: to help you support for yourself or a classmate, please visit Counseling Services, SSD, Trio, and Student Relations for more info.