A Personal Letter: Week Two
“And in the blink of an eye, our first week back is officially over. Seriously — it managed to be both the longest and shortest week ever. I’m curious to know how it went for everyone else because for me, as I expected, it didn’t go very smoothly. There was a lot of stress, misunderstandings, unexpected assignments, and frustrations over this new course of learning. I can’t remember the last time I have felt this overwhelmed, and I know that I can’t be the only one. We’re all under an extreme amount of stress, and it doesn’t help that nobody quite knows what they’re doing yet. I’ve had zoom that classes that could have been done easier in a discussion board, assignments nobody knew that we had, and an overall confusion on what the hell is going on.
I’ve noticed there’s an extreme lack of communication. And this is no shade to our teachers, because I know that this is as new to them as it is to us. They are as stressed and confused as we are, and I think it’s important to allow them mistakes because we are all navigating these new feelings and experiences together. I know that me saying this doesn’t make it better. My words cannot unravel all your stresses and frustrations — they can’t even solve my own — but I’ve discovered it’s the little things that are keeping me going, and I hope that you all have them too. I may not have gotten much done this week — including my schoolwork, but I was able to take my dog for a walk every day and for me, that’s an accomplishment. Making sure to continue taking care of yourself! Read a book, go for a walk, watch a movie, bake a little something for yourself!”
Alison – class of 2020