Camarri Lane

Camarri Lane

I first started taking photography seriously when I was about 16, then I ended up taking a six month break from photography because I didn’t know how to use my camera to it’s full potential, and became increasingly frustrated that my pictures weren’t coming out the way I wanted. After my six month hiatus, I picked up my phone and my camera again took a flight to Jamaica and went walked around and taking pictures to see what I could and couldn’t do with the basic knowledge of how a camera works.

After much trial and error, I left Jamaica feeling like I had a better understanding of how my camera works and a few surprisingly good pictures. When I came back to the states, I took another break to focus on school and other extracurricular activities. Then when I felt I was comfortable coming back to the world of photography, my friend let me know that there was a photography workshop being held in downtown Chicago by nike and another photographer. Who happened to be a street photographer and while talking to him one on one, he really inspired me to do what I do now which is street photography and portraits.

Some of the things I really enjoy taking pictures of are a combo of architecture, nature and symmetry. Those aspects of photography cease to amaze me every time I leave out of my house and just look for beautiful things that people miss everyday, and capture them. The only reason I got back into photography was to show others who don’t get a chance to look around themselves and take in the beauty that’s already around them.

Check out Camarri’s website to see more of his work.