Reflections on Miami J-term: Creative Industries
Students spent two weeks in Miami and explored the domestic and international cultural landscapes of the city by experiencing the diverse and global creative industries situated in Miami, including festivals and live events, sports, music, media and film, design, galleries and museums. Through various interactive projects, including on-site visits, group and online discussion forums, and various guest speakers, the students were immersed into Miami’s creative industries. This three-credit-hour course was designed and led by Assistant Professor of Instruction Jason Stephens.
“Overall, this experience was amazing. I wasn’t sure what to expect going into our first day in Miami, especially because it was the first year of this class, but I am so glad I did it. The schedule was packed, but each day went by so fast that I didn’t even notice. I learned a lot, I met a lot of great people, and I had a lot of fun. I would take this class again in a second, especially as an undergrad.”
-Francesca Brilli, Live and Performing Arts Management
“Personally, meeting David Sinopoli and the New World Symphony were my two favourite organizations due to my focus in music (specifically underground electronic music). It was very interesting to see how David is running his business and hear about his failures and successes since the launch of the iiiPoints festival. Despite those two organizations being my favourite, I think the most valuable aspect of the trip was meeting the broad network of people that Jason introduced us to. I am still in touch with David and a couple of people from the New World Symphony regarding job opportunities and possible relocation to Miami.”
-Amy Siripunyo, Master of Arts Management
“I think the highlight of this trip for me was being able to feel like I was completely immersed in the culture of Miami in such a short time. Through our different visits and tours to neighborhoods and museums around the city, I really felt like I got to see every part of every community, which was incredibly rewarding.”
-Francesca Brilli, Live and Performing Arts Management
“One of my favorite visits was the Wynwood neighborhood. Wynwood is an old industrial area that was largely abandoned when Tony Goldman, a New Yorker in real estate, discovered it. Goldman saw the potential of these abandoned buildings as canvases and funded the Wynwood Walls project. Street artists from around the world have created beautiful murals on almost every surface in Wynwood now (every business, every building, even fences and crosswalks). The whole area is a walking gallery. Visiting Wynwood changed my perceptions of graffiti and of the value we assign to certain art. Art doesn’t need to be in a museum to be appreciated or to be worthy of reverence. In fact, art tucked away in a museum has a limited audience.”
-Emily Evans, Master of Arts Management
“My most valuable experience during this trip was learning how several arts managers initially worked in other states and abroad before returning to Miami, which for many was their native city. I want to work in theatres throughout the country. After graduation, I will apply for employment on the east coast, specifically New York City, Washington D.C., and Philadelphia, Also, I will look for volunteer opportunities in international cities such as London, Nairobi, and Manila to study cross-performance styles. The group met managers with academic backgrounds in a range of art fields, which allowed them to explore different career endeavors and take lessons from each to reach current professional positions. It reminded me that no journey is the same, and anything is possible!”
-Wendolyn Sims-Rucker, Master of Arts Management
“I guess the most surprising fact I learned is that the government of Miami-Dade County is putting a huge amount of effort and money into building and developing creative industries in the Miami area, which is almost unheard of among other U.S. cities. Miami has a big Department of Cultural Affairs that has pushed and finished so many incredible projects effectively. Many of these projects were built on a massive scale and have profoundly influenced the city of Miami and its creative industry in a positive way. Examples include the Perez Art Museum and the Arsht Center.”
-Jialiang Luo, Visual Arts Management