Student Spotlight: Marcus Carter (BA ’17)
Marcus chose Columbia for his love of music and the opportunities the college and Chicago made available to him. By the interview below, it is evident that Columbia has lived up to his expectations. He has excelled in and outside of the classroom. Currently, Marcus is working to develop a new website for Dynasty Podcasts which is led by Columbia’s Jaime “Black” DeMedici (Lecturer).
What is your major or BA?
I am a Music Business major here at Columbia.
Why did you choose Columbia’s Business & Entrepreneurship program?
I choose Columbia’s Business & Entrepreneurship Department because of my love for business and the program’s ability to develop practical and individual skills to help me excel in the music industry. Throughout my career at Columbia, I’ve found my coursework going beyond the textbook and really allowing me to learn the inner workings of the business.
What are your goals for being in this program? Do you have a dream job?
I have many goals to reach while being a student of this program. I have already had the opportunity to network, using every possible resource to help me gain knowledge and experience within the industry. My overall goal is to be successful in the industry while bringing my creative mindset and approach to everything I do.
What is the most positive impact this program has had on your professional development and future career?
The Business & Entrepreneurship program has been a positive step in my career from the day I declared it as my major. I’ve have been able to work and learn from many notable instructors which have inspired me to keep going no matter what comes my way. A few previous instructors I’ve had thus far at Columbia have allowed me to work alongside them and bring my creative juices to collaborative work to produce exceptional materials.
What classes have helped you the most and why?
Last semester I enrolled in Jaime “Black” DeMedici’s Introduction to Marketing course. One of the great things that I took away from his class is the realization that every day is a new day to get somewhere. Accomplish 4 or 5 things and push to be the greatest in whatever you do. It really stood out to me how busy and productive he is outside of class. Hard work truly pays off to those who put in an effort to get what you want. He spoke a lot about setting yourself up to succeed, be as professional as you can be while also remaining open to new experiences as they can ultimately help shape you.
Are there any particular professors who have made a significant impression on you? In what ways?
Another instructor who isn’t a part of the Business & Entrepreneurship program here at Columbia but truly has had a positive impact on my experience is Jonathan Gust, aka DJ Zebo. He has really given me a competitive edge and instilled in me that the sky is the limit and as long as you remain humble, true, and focused in anything that you’re doing. I continue to do professional work for both instructors.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I am very aware of the changing music industry scene and plan to adapt where I can. I plan to continue to work hard to advance my company as well as secure my role as an independent entrepreneur in all aspects of my life. John Wooden said it best, “Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.”