Faculty Member Bryan Saner Performing in Cowboys & Vikings Across Chicago


    Cowboys and Vikings Across Chicago
    a site-specific, outdoor, multi-media performance series
    Featuring Christopher Knowlton, Bryan Saner, Brian Shaw, & Blake Russell with music by Ryan Ingebritsen

    Weds-Thurs, June 17-18 @8pm
    Part 1:
    Five Gaits, Four Walls, Fourteen Knots
    at the Indian Boundary Park (2500 W Lunt Ave, Chicago, IL)

    presented by
    Erica Mott Productions
    with the Chicago Park District and 2015 Night Out in the Parks

    All performances are FREE and open to the public!

    The Cowboys and Vikings  Across Chicago is an outdoor, site-specific multimedia performance series bringing into question the contemporary reinvention of historical figures and events.  The figures of the “Cowboy” and the “Viking” are dissected and repurposed to challenge societal assumptions about contemporary ideas of masculinity.

    June 17-18 @8pm: Five Gaits, Four Walls, Fourteen Knots

    at the Indian Boundary Park (2500 W Lunt Ave, Chicago, IL)


    Five Gaits, Four Walls, Fourteen Knots magnifies the relationship between masculinity and territoriality. In this multi-disciplinary outdoor performance, the historical figure of the Cowboy collides with the fictional hero of the Silver Screen.  Choreography, song and object manipulation are combined to create a world of sweeping landscapes that constrict the unbridled maverick as much as they liberate him.