Faculty Member Joan Giroux Appointed to CAA Committee

    out)looking, (re)framing by Joan Giroux

    Joan Giroux, Associate Professor in Art & Art History / Associate Chair in Design, has been appointed for a three-year term to the College Art Association’s Services to Artists Committee, to begin at the CAA conference in Washington, D.C. in February 2016.

    Giroux’s practice as an artist intersects and resides in intermediary disciplines such as sculpture, social practice, and performance. She recently performed the elegiac memorial “life review: sacrifice best what is not yours” in QUEER, ILL, & OKAY at Chicago’s Storefront Theater. Giroux’s current social practice, an IRB-approved research project, involves connecting with people to develop conversations about death and dying. In the past few years, she has developed an archive and her own catalogue raisonné with the aims to make this a model for artists of all career stages. Giroux has also acted as consultant to artists on grant writing, developing budget proposals, catalog production, and computer application tutorials.