Lectures in Design: Matthew Hoffman


    Matthew Hoffman
    Put Yourself Out There
    Thursday, November 5, 6PM
    Room 203, 623 S. Wabash Building


    The Design Department at Columbia College Chicago is pleased to present, Put Yourself Out There, a lecture by Matthew Hoffman.

    Matthew Hoffman is a Chicago-based artist & designer whose public works have been exhibited internationally. Hoffman often works with oversized phrases in the public sphere. The bold phrases are intended to interact with the viewer, on a personal level. Often the positive messages are subtle & open to interpretation. His ideas and work have been included in Good, the New York Times Magazine, and Ready Made. He has been published in books by Gestalten, Droog, and Taschen, and was featured in a segment on the Oprah network. Matthew is the Custodian of You Are Beautiful, a project to better the world in little ways. Since 2002, this message has reached every corner of the globe, with over 2 million stickers shared by the community in 81 languages.