Students (graduate or undergraduate) making books in book arts and/or fine arts programs across the United States are invited to participate in ARTBOUND 2015 by submitting work to a juried artists’ book exhibition at The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries! A selection of books will be exhibited and up to five books will be chosen by the juror as purchase acquisitions to the permanent collection of the University of Florida Smathers Libraries’ Special Collections in Book Arts. This year’s juror is Bridget Elmer, Director of the Book Arts and Letterpress Center at Ringling College of Art and Design.

    Entrants must be or have been enrolled as a student (graduate or undergraduate) and s/he must have created the entered work(s) between Fall 2013 and Spring 2015. Entrants whose work is selected will be required to provide proof of enrollment.
    To access the Entry form and prospectus:

    Friday, June 19, 2015 (email & postmark deadline)

    Purchase awards will be given for 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place and two honorable mentions.

    All entries must be original work completed by a book arts student (graduate or undergraduate) enrolled between Fall 2013 and Spring 2015.

    Up to two books may be submitted.
    Entry fee is $25. Entry fees are not refundable under any circumstances (except late entry). Only cashiers checks or money orders will be accepted. Make checks payable to UFF/Library Artists’ Book Fund.

    Entrants are asked to submit actual books: handmade, artists’ books printed in edition or one-of-a-kind. Books printed with letterpress, intaglio, inkjet, and/or screenprint techniques will be considered. We are looking for high quality, original work.

    Complete the entry form, save as a PDF. Files should be named with entrant’s first initial, last name_entry (like this: asmith_entry.pdf). Submit the entry form and digital images (see image requirements) to: ARTBOUND 2015 or email to, Subject Line: ARTBOUND 2015, YOUR first initial, YOUR last name

    The physical book(s) must be submitted by mail including return postage! Entries submitted without return postage will not be eligible for inclusion in the competition.
    The $25 entry fee must be included in the form of check or money order. [Make checks payable to UFF/Library Artists’ Book Fund.]

    Ellen Knudson
    Special and Area Studies Collections
    PO Box 117005
    George A. Smathers Libraries
    University of Florida
    205 Smathers Library
    Gainesville, FL 32611-7005

    Artists whose work is selected for purchase will be sent instructions for the paperwork necessary to receive payment for their book. Artists’ images of their work may be used for promotional purposes by The University of Florida Libraries. Please credit photographers.

    Artist’s work that is not selected for the exhibition will be returned by mid-July 2015. Artist’s work that is exhibited, but not purchased will be returned at the end of the exhibition. The exhibition dates are TBD.

    Each artist may submit up to two books for consideration. Each book must be accompanied by two digital images for a total of no more than four images. Files should be saved as 72dpi JPEG sized 1500 ppi in the longest direction. Digital images may be used for promotional purposes. Files should be named with entrant’s first initial, last name and number of entry. For example: asmith_1a.jpg; asmith_1b.jpg; asmith_2a.jpg, etc…

    Work will be judged on quality of concept, design, craft, and typography as well as originality and function of the physical book.

    Work will be selected on the basis of the provided physical books. Jurying will be performed by Bridget Elmer, Director of the Book Arts and Letterpress Center at Ringling College of Art and Design. Notification of acceptance will be by email only.

    Work must be postmarked by June 19, 2015. Shipment and return postage is the sole responsibility of the artist, so please be sure work will arrive quickly and undamaged. Please pack work in a reusable box! UF is not responsible for work damaged during shipment. Late receipt of work risks exclusion from the exhibition.

    A signature on the completed entry form shall constitute an agreement by the artist to the conditions set forth in the prospectus. Acceptance of an entry into the exhibition and collection assumes permission to photograph work or use image(s) for publicity of the exhibition event and/or the artists’ book collection.

    Questions? Email to:
    Ellen Knudson, Associate in Book Arts

    To view past ARTBOUND works, visit online at: See the Book Arts Collection listed under Rare Books.