Caxton Club Displays Work of Grant Recipients at 120th Anniversary Gala


The Caxton Club had its 120th Anniversary Celebration Gala on February 18, and part of the festivities included acknowledging Caxton Club grant recipients. Hannah Batsel, a second-year Book & Paper student, is a 2015 recipient, and her work, along with the many previous Interdisciplinary Book & Paper MFA program students, was on display during the celebration.

Hannah Batsel’s work.

The Caxton Club was founded in 1895 by fifteen Chicago bibliophiles who desired to support the publication of fine books in the spirit of the prevailing Arts and Crafts Movement.  Grants are for book-related projects to be completed during academic year. The 120th Anniversary Celebration and exhibition of grant recipient work reflects the Caxton Clubs ongoing commitment to its recipients and to all things connected to the art of the book!

Below is a partial list of Interdisciplinary Book & Paper current MFA students and alumni who showed their work for the evening:

Hannah Batsel
Jamie Weaver
Daniel Mellis
Teresa Pankratz
Heather Buechler
Ben Blount
Kerry Cushman
Jill Summers
Mardy Sears
Jenny Kim