Jiujiang University Hosts Exhibition of Work by CBPA Artists

    JJU Library

    A recent show of artists’ books by CBPA graduate students and alumni was enthusiastically received by Jiujiang University students and faculty. The exhibition Identity, Place, & Text, came about thanks to the initiative of Rose Camastro Pritchett, faculty in Columbia’s AEMM department, and also alumna of the InterArts Book and Paper MFA. The show was housed inside the new Jiujiang University library on the massive campus, the academic home of 40,000 students, 2000 of those in the area of art and design. “Book Arts truly is a universal language,” says Camastro Pritchett. “Even though Jiujiang University students had limited English skills, they connected with the content of the books as well as the art and craft.” Among the works exhibited were Running Thoughts by Jenna Rodriguez; and Swimming Without Water: Paper Swim by Alex Borgen.

    student attendant showing faculty Progress

    The exhibition was designed to be interactive. Books were placed on separate tables, each one with a student attendant to turn the pages and answer questions about the work. There was a card at each station with a brief comment about the content of the book in Chinese. “Most JJU art students have not had the opportunity to see art work from abroad much less be able to see it up,” commented Pritchett. “Dean Wu of the Art and Design department, was particularly pleased with the high attendance of students and faculty to both the show and my gallery talk.”

    student showing Faux a.b.

    To see more about the exhibition, click here.

    rose talking to students