Are you interested in going to the 2014 College Book Arts Association (CBAA) Conference, in Salt Lake City, in January!?!?!?!?!? Of course you are!
Well, if you indeed are considering going, please know there is a travel grant available for students, as well as an opportunity to have the conference fee waived, in exchange for 10 hours of volunteer work.
In particular, the Conference Committee is in need of students who are fluent with the Adobe Creative Suite as well as students with intermediate papermaking skills. Additional assistance is needed for general conference support with the expectation that volunteers are dependable, courteous, and committed.
All student volunteers must be currently enrolled in a full-time graduate program and be CBAA members.
If you are interested in this, please let one of the Book and Paper Faculty know, so that he/she can write you an endorsement. Endorsements are due NOVEMBER 15, and students would be notified by November 22. Students applying must also let recommenders know if you have applied for the travel grant for this conference.
Please allow 2 weeks prior to the deadline (or more) for any letter of recommendation.
For more information:
CBAA Website
CBAA Conference Website
If you have any additional questions feel free to get in touch with Professor Miriam Schaer at