First Friday Re-Opening at Side Street Studio Arts Gallery Features InterArts MFAs

    Erin Rehberg (InterArts MFA 2009), curator for Baltimore’s recent Connect the Dots exhibition at EMP, brought back a few special pieces from that show to feature in this week’s “Re-Opening Event” at the Side Street Arts Gallery space in Elgin, IL. Two pieces by Jackie McGill (This I Swear and The Art of Making Music) and a preview of the larger installation work Covalence by Michael LaHood will be featured at this Friday’s open house.

    Appreciation coins from Covalence, by Michael LaHood

    Side Street’s current exhibition, Reveal: Ten Essentials, was curated by Steven Lockwood, and will have a “Second Opening Event” this Friday, April 5, from 6:00–10:00 p.m. Side Street Studio Arts Directors had this to say about the show: “We could not be more excited for this new space and the warped and wonderful vision of art we hope it brings to Elgin. We feel that the combination of media, personality, and beauty provided by the work in this show is the perfect opening exhibition to set this tone and push our arts audience in new directions.” 

    Side Street Studio Arts was founded in 2013 by Tanner Melvin and Erin Rehberg as an outlet for the artists of Elgin. Side Street’s mission is to provide an accessible space encouraging all aspects of the artistic process from creation to curation. They have big plans already in the works, including collaborations with artists from around the U.S. and the world, to bring cutting-edge, close proximity, and audience engaging performance art to Elgin. The performance space features an informal, white-box style, and the founders are determined to provide rehearsal and performance space at low-cost rental rates to Elgin area artists. 

    For more information on the space and its genesis, click the links. For information on the Friday event, click here.