Chicago Snow Days Ends as a Collection of Puddles

The 2013 Snow Days Chicago took place this year on one of the coldest weeks of winter. But just as it was wrapping up, the weather changed from cold and clear to freezing rain. The next day was rainy and balmy. Now, all that is left of the international exhibition are some small lumps and bumps of icy snow.

Second year Media MFA Brent Koehn was a member of this year’s non-competing exhibition team. The team’s main responsibility was to demonstrate how a sculpture is planned and made, and talk to visitors to the event, answering technical questions on the art of sculpting in snow. This freed up the international competing teams to finish their sculptures within the time limit in order to be judged, and it gave the exhibition team members a chance to gain experience in the wintry expressive form.

Brent talks about his experience in this video. And he plans to participate again next year, but as part of a competition team for Snow Days Chicago 2014.