CBPA to be included in VIP DISCUSSIONS

The Center for Book and Paper Arts is pleased to be included in VIP DISCUSSIONS, the online programming component for VIP PAPER, an upcoming fair organized by the art world’s most prominent online-only fair organizers.

Founded by James Cohan Gallery and a team of entrepreneurs, the first VIP fairs launched online to great success in 2011 and 2012, and VIP PAPER is their first “works on paper” edition, to be held April 19-21. Artinfo.com called the discussions “one of the coolest” aspects of this new fair.


VIP’s Nicholas Corich interviews Steve Woodall in the bindery


VIP’s Nicholas Corich interviews April Sheridan in the print studio

Alongside Dieu Donne and other prestigious organizations, experts, curators and artists, CBPA will be featured in a video available on the VIP DISCUSSIONS website, open to the public.

On a recent visit, New York-based fair organizers interviewed Steve Woodall, along with curator Jessica Cochran, studio technician April Sheridan and Journal of Artists’ Books founder/studio coordinator Brad Freeman.

Our inclusion in the fair programming underscores our belief that paper continues to be at the center of art discourse, and that Chicago is home to some of the art world’s most important paper-related artists and organizations.

We will link to the program once it launches!