Don’t Miss the Live Readings of Theisis Work: THIS Friday!


When a thesis consists of a significant amount of written material, how can the audience really absorb some of the text and hear the artist’s voice amidst the noise of an opening or the rush to get to the next piece? Interarts thinks listening to the artists read their work in their spaces is a great way to really experience the written part of the work.


This Friday night, April 30th, come to hear 2 wonderful texts in their installation homes, read by the artists who wrote them…Teresa Pankratz and Kelly Parsell both will be reading from their thesis work, live, in their spaces, and you, the audience, will be able to have the one-of-a-kind experience of hearing their Voice and their voice…

Kelly Parsell & Teresa Pankratz

reading from their thesis texts

Friday April 30 @ 7pm

Book and Paper Gallery

1104 S Wabash

2nd floor