BREAKFAST (February 11, 7:30 AM–9:00 AM)*
Association of Research Institutes in Art History
The Role of Research Institutes in Defining Art History’s Future
Grand A, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
Museum of Contemporary Craft
Critical Craft Forum
Columbus AB, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
LUNCH (February 11, 12:30 PM–2:00 PM)*
American Council for Southern Asian Art
A Return to Rasa: New Investigations into the Relationship of Indian Aesthetic (Rasa) Theory to the Visual Arts
Grand B, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
Historians of Eighteenth-Century Art and Architecture
New Scholars: Transforming Traditions in Eighteenth-Century Art
Grand CD South, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
Association of Historians of Nineteenth-Century Art
New Directions in Nineteenth-Century Art
Grand A, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
International Association of Word and Image Studies
Contesting the City: Experiments in Transnational Public Art
Columbus CD, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
Creative Capital Foundation
Buckingham, Bronze Level, West Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
National Endowment for the Arts
Grants Workshop
Columbus AB, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
CAA Services to Artists Committee
Meta-Mentors: Balancing Acts
Columbus GHIJ, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
International Association of Art Critics
New Challenges for Art Criticism: Relational Aesthetics, Social Collaborations, and Public Interactivity
Regency A, Gold Level, West Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
National Committee on the History of Art
Emerging Art Histories
Water Tower, Bronze Level, West Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
Association for Textual Scholarship in Art History
Grand CD North, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
Visual Resources Association
Academic Image Collections in Transition: Saving the Baby while Repurposing the Bath Water
Columbus KL, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
CAA Committee on Intellectual Property
Copyright Assertion and Protection for Artists
Columbus EF, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
Learning to Look: Winslow Homer Watercolors and Gouaches
Print Study Room, Jean and Steven Goldman Study Center, Art Institute of Chicago
Mid America College Art Association
Current Models for Integrating Research into Teaching
Grand EF, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
Queer Caucus for Art: The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Caucus for Art, Artists, and Historians
How is “Queer” Art Relational?
Regency B, Gold Level, West Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
Public Art Dialogue
Chicago Revisited: A Critical Roundtable on Public Art
Regency C, Gold Level, West Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
CAA Committee on Women in the Arts
International Perspectives on the Legacy of American Feminist Art and Art Histories
Regency D, Gold Level, West Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
DINNER (February 11, 5:30 PM–7:00 PM)*
Association of Historians of American Art
From Parlor to Print Room to Classroom: Approaches to Teaching Historic American Visual Culture
Grand B, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
Coalition of Women in the Arts Organization
Regional Women Artists: Exploring Nature, Spirituality, and Universal Order
Acapulco, Gold Level, West Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
Arts Council of the African Studies Association
The Arts of Africa: Recent Issues and Trends
Regency D, Gold Level, West Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
Foundations in Art: Theory and Education
Going the Distance: Teaching Foundations through Distance Education
Columbus KL, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
Isamu Noguchi Foundation and Garden Museum
In Considering Legacy: Perspectives on Philip Johnson, Donald Judd, and Isamu Noguchi
Columbus AB, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
Design Studies Forum
By the Book: Toward a New Paradigm of Design Studies?
Regency A, Gold Level, West Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
Association for Critical Race Art History
Group Practices: New Diversity Institutions
Grand CD North, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
Pacific Arts Association
Visual Histories in and of Polynesia
Grand CD South, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
The Center for Craft, Creativity & Design
In the Making: New Texts and Resources in American Craft
Columbus CD, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
Women’s Caucus for Art
Investigating the Need for Women’s Art Galleries, Exhibitions, and Organizations: From Our Center
Regency B, Gold Level, West Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
Ask the Lawyer: Contracts, Copyright, Corporations, and More!
Columbus EF, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago
*For details on Chairs, Panelists, and Papers for each Session, go to the Conference Schedule.