LUNCH (February 13, 12:30 PM–2:00 PM)*

CAA Services to Artists Committee

Meta-Mentors: Show Me the Money

Columbus GHIJ, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago

Arts Spaces Archives Projects

<strongAlternative Publishing and Distribution Models as Art and Curatorial Practice

Columbus AB, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago

Association of Historians of Nineteenth-Century Art

New Directions in Nineteenth-Century Art

Grand A, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago

Historians of British Art

CAesthetic Culture in British India: The Amateur Arts of Brush, Pencil, and Camera in the Colonial Periphery

Gold Coast, Bronze Level, West Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago

Midwest Art History Society

New Acquisitions in Midwestern Museums

Columbus CD, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago

CAA Student and Emerging Professionals Committee

How Technology is Changing the Teaching of Art and Art History

Buckingham, Bronze Level, West Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago

Leonardo/International Society for the Arts, Sciences, and Technology

Migratory Structures: Scientific Imagery and Contemporary Art Practice

Regency A, Gold Level, West Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago

Society of Contemporary Art Historians

Contemporary Art History in 2020

Regency B, Gold Level, West Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago

American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies

Art Scandals and Scandalous Art in the Eighteenth Century

Regency C, Gold Level, West Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago

Southern Graphics Council

Printmaking and the Mundane

Columbus EF, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago

Visual Culture Caucus

Food Aesthetics

Columbus KL, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago

Northern California Art Historians

ECOART: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Sustainability

Grand CD South, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago

CAA Services to Artists Committee

Meta-Mentors: DIY

Columbus GHIJ, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago