T[hesis]-Minus 2.5 Months…

T[hesis]-Minus 2.5 Months…

My experience with thesis has been pretty rough so far. The schedule has been hectic, I’m tired, I have tons left to do, and it seems like the install for the thesis show is right around the corner. In fact it is—our installation starts in two and a half months. Add to that trying to juggle a family who has had a pretty rough last few months, and you get the picture. That is my struggle.

But, I’m excited! I have the space in the Center for Book and Paper Arts gallery that I have been ogling for the last couple of years. I have a clear vision of what my installation is going to look like. And I’m trying to have fun with it. I’m even making coloring books. Yes, coloring books.

Over break, I read an article that clarified some of the ideas that I have been having and why it’s important for me to create a space that is family friendly for my installation. In the article an artist turned parent-that-is-also-an-artist expressed her frustrations that the biggest struggle for her was feeling excluded from the art world once she became a parent. That its increasingly hard for her to be able to attend openings because having children is often frowned upon. This obviously hit close to home for me and helped me make some decisions. Of course I can find the article now, but it was on Cultural ReProducers, which is pretty amazing.

Firstly, I have a HUGE space to work with. I don’t know how I got it. But I did. It’s mine. I’m going to turn it into a domestic space to show what I have been working on. To show my experience of being a maker while tying to balance family and school. It’s going to be a space where families are welcome to hang out and bring the kids, thus the coloring books.

Have I mentioned that install starts in two and a half months???!!!

I’m super terrified, overwhelmingly excited, just plain overwhelmed, and all other sorts of emotions that do not currently have names. I just need to get all of these things done. And then I can start figuring out what comes after life at Columbia College Chicago. I’m starting to look at teaching job applications. Teaching last Spring was probably the biggest highlight of my time here. I REALLY want to find myself teaching studio art again, so hopefully I can find something to have in place for my next big move.

So much to do, so little time. I’m stressed, but loving it. In just a few short months the college ride is over for me after seven years. Craziness. Now time to get back to making making making! I hope to see you guys at the thesis show and make sure to bring your kids! Families will always be welcome wherever I’m showing my work!