Robots, Socialites, and Realists: The Secret Friends of the Book and Paper Grad Student

The soon to be revealed friends of the book and paper grad student.

I have often found, being a book arts/paper student for a while now, that ideas are quick and production takes a really long time (see Four Monologues Project). This means that there is a lot of time filled with monotonous activity– printing, cutting, sewing, folding, and on and on. So one has to figure out a way to help time move along without distracting from work that needs to be precise.

Sometimes this two-fold need manifests itself in a really bad television show (usually something with a repetitive plot that doesn’t require full attention). Sometimes it’s a good radio show (something you just have to listen to, no looking needed). And sometimes, something that is legitimately awesome (like a really excellent science fiction program).

So, today I’m going to highlight my top five ‘background to work’ entertainment choices. I hope you enjoy and judge not.

Note: These are in no particular order of preference.

Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica

Contemplate the fate of humanity past (present) and humanity future. It’s awesome.

Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl

Not for the faint of heart. You must be brave and pay really minimal attention. Best for an extremely labor intensive project.

This American Life

This American Life

Always fabulous, This American Life.

Radio Lab

Radio Lab

Radio Lab, with it’s wonderful, thought-provoking topics, is the best radio show since This American Life. And it’s free!



One of the best cartoons ever. Each episode is less than half an hour long, so you can watch, like, a lot of these in a row and be thoroughly entertained.