Interested in Arts Digital Media Management? This Is the Place to Be.

Businesses recognize that social media and digital media have changed the way society interacts, and consequently, how marketing is implemented. The Business & Entrepreneurship Department understands that as well, and offers a new class called New Media Strategies  to equip students to be the leaders in the ever-changing digital scene.

Previously organized as an overview course, looking at the media industry, its evolution due to technology and some digital/social media marketing, the course is now reorganized to give students hands-on experience in digital media development and marketing.

The class has three main sections every semester. The first addresses the media industry and its evolution due to technology changes. The second focuses on web and mobile development strategies where teams launch a website. Finally, the last section addresses digital and social media marketing strategies that are applied to the websites launched by each team.

Course Description

This course provides students with an in-depth understanding of the production, publication, promotion, and distribution of digital audio, visual, and editorial content. Students investigate current business models and conceptualize future tactics to embrace the convergence of the major media forms being streamed, downloaded, and offered as applications on all devices including tablets, mobile phones, computers and home theaters.