Thesis Year-Student Choreographs and Performs danst Rosas with MegLouise Collaborators

MegLouise danst Rosas will be performed as part of the Links Hall fundraiser on Thursday, April 3rd, including performance by Alex Borgen, Penelope Hearne and 6 other dancers. The event, THAW: A Night of Hot Ballyhoo! is a fundraiser, and will be held at DANK Haus, 4740 N. Western Ave 6:30pm – 11:30pm, with an open bar.


Danst Rosas, an open source dance, was choreographed by thesis year InterArts student Megan Pitcher after the original movement by Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, who founded the Rosas company. The original piece from thirty years ago is called Rosas danst Rosas, and it was one of the most recognized feminist pieces of that era.  De Keersmaeker continues to create noteworthy work.

Pitcher’s dance/film, MegLouise danst Rosas, was included in the Rosas danst Rosas revival at Kaaitheater in Brussels – read more here.

MegLouise danst Rosas will also be performing the piece at the spring fling themed Salonathon on Mon, April 14th, and may be included as part of MegLouise’s performance on May 1st for the Chicago Home Theater Festival Opening.

For more information on MegLouise, Pitcher’s collaborative performance group, click here.

For tickets for Thursday’s performance at Links Hall, click here.