Typhoon Haiyan Relief Event Raises $1000

CBPA alumna Trisha Oralie Martin sent out the greeting “Maraming at maraming salamat to all the artists who donated amazing works of art for the Typhoon Haiyan Relief Fundraiser at Chicago’s Co-Prosperity Sphere. I am so excited, thrilled, ecstatic to announce that we raised $1,000 for Typhoon Haiyan Relief!”

Sending out specific thanks to her many collaborators and colleagues, Martin gave a shout-out to “Ed at Co-Prosperity Sphere for the space, Mitchell Buller for arranging the raging music spun by Daniel Smith, Alison Christen for tending bar, Eric Olson for the beer, Michael Chad St. John for playing MC, Maya Barros Odim, Stacy Kline, Ahmad Hamad, Kristina Tendilla for helping set-up/man tables/clean-up/ keeping me sane all day, Courtney Sanson for driving down from Wisconsin to help throughout the event, Matt Ibarra for being my right hand man, Penelope Hearne for documenting the evening, Isla Filipino Restaurant for the delicious lumpia, Regin Igloria and Marides for picking up the food/promoting the event… and of course everyone that made it out and supported the cause!”

Donations are still being accepted for this relief effort. For more information, contact Martin by clicking here.

Super Typhoon Haiyan hits the Philippines
Photograph: Zuma/rex