Letterpress Tribute to the Late Ray Bradbury Printed at CBPA

This summer at the Center for Book and Paper Arts, Studio Coordinator April Sheridan felt drawn to July 4 colors and ornamental letter forms to create a broadside tribute to Waukegan’s hometown hero, the late Ray Bradbury. As Sheridan prepared for the annual Printers’ Ball (the free celebration of the printed word hosted at Columbia College Center for Book + Paper Arts every summer), she combined letterpress with Bradbury’s words of wisdom, to graphically respond to his last story Take Me Home, published in the June 4 issue of The New Yorker.

Sheridan’s broadside, Stuff Your Eyes with Wonder, a tribute to Ray Bradbury, was printed on Mohawk Superfine White Eggshell 80 lb. cover, and uses William Page’s Mexican (a chromatic wood type) and Monotype Perpetua (cast by Michael Bixler). It was printed on a Vandercook Universal I with Handschy and VanSon inks, using a patriotic palette of bubblegum, silver, and sky blue.

The broadside and the artist’s thoughts on its creation has been featured on the website Felt + Wire: Impressions from the Paper-Obsessed.